Physics of Life: The dawn of quantum biology
AGEs - The darkest secret of life
In 1912 Louis-Camille Maillard, a French chemist, conducted a simple experiment in his lab that turned out to be a shortcut that created meat flavor and aroma through heating sugar and amino acids. This chemical reaction has thus been called Maillard Reaction or Browning Reaction. Following extensive researches on the Maillard Reaction across diverse fields from food, nutrition to therapeutics, the term Advanced Glycation Endproducts or AGEs was introduced to describe the end products of the Maillard Reaction that are formed under normal physiological conditions in living organisms.
AGEs accumulate over a person’s lifetime and is one of the most important parameters and mechanisms for aging and oxidative stress. It is responsible for a host of chronic and age related diseases. In particular, this process occurs more rapidly in patients with conditions such as diabetes mellitus, renal failure and cardiovascular disease. Scientific research suggests that AGEs is an intriguing challenge on its own and has been around since the beginning of life. In spite of decades of research, there is no enzyme in the human body can regulate their function or degradation. Moreover there is no mechanism to destroy AGEs in physiologically, biologically or pharmacologically available. Thus it is regarded as the darkest secret of life.
AGEs accumulate over a person’s lifetime and is one of the most important parameters and mechanisms for aging and oxidative stress. It is responsible for a host of chronic and age related diseases. In particular, this process occurs more rapidly in patients with conditions such as diabetes mellitus, renal failure and cardiovascular disease. Scientific research suggests that AGEs is an intriguing challenge on its own and has been around since the beginning of life. In spite of decades of research, there is no enzyme in the human body can regulate their function or degradation. Moreover there is no mechanism to destroy AGEs in physiologically, biologically or pharmacologically available. Thus it is regarded as the darkest secret of life.
AGE Reader - Unlock the best kept secret of life

Until now it has been complicated to measure tissue AGEs in patients because existing methods are expensive, time consuming, lack specificity, are poorly reproducible and require painful skin biopsy which makes it impossible for patients to accept it. The AGE Reader is the answer to the need for measuring AGEs without the disadvantages of the existing methods. This state of art device provides a simple non-invasive solution which allows clinicians to determine the AGE level within 30 seconds.
Many advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) have a characteristic fluorescence. Once it is excited by UV light, it will emit auto fluorescence back in specific wavelength. The AGE Reader has a light source which illuminates the tissue of interest. This light excites fluorescent moieties in the tissue which will emit light with a different wavelength. The emitted light is detected using a spectrometer. By using specific technical adaptations including selection of specific wavelength, modulated or pulsed light sources, a more selective discrimination of specific AGEs can be obtained.
To date, AGE Reader has been validated in large scale clinical studies with the longest follow up period of 5 years and have been benchmarked against skin biopsy method, UKPDS, MIT, SCORE and other diagnostic technologies in clinical setting. Close to a hundred clinical papers have been published on international top journals and it is being used across risk screening on diabetes and cardiovascular complication, medical research, nutrition, sports, cosmetic industry and anti-aging medicine in over 20 countries around the world.
Many advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) have a characteristic fluorescence. Once it is excited by UV light, it will emit auto fluorescence back in specific wavelength. The AGE Reader has a light source which illuminates the tissue of interest. This light excites fluorescent moieties in the tissue which will emit light with a different wavelength. The emitted light is detected using a spectrometer. By using specific technical adaptations including selection of specific wavelength, modulated or pulsed light sources, a more selective discrimination of specific AGEs can be obtained.
To date, AGE Reader has been validated in large scale clinical studies with the longest follow up period of 5 years and have been benchmarked against skin biopsy method, UKPDS, MIT, SCORE and other diagnostic technologies in clinical setting. Close to a hundred clinical papers have been published on international top journals and it is being used across risk screening on diabetes and cardiovascular complication, medical research, nutrition, sports, cosmetic industry and anti-aging medicine in over 20 countries around the world.
Oxidative stress - The double edged sword

Oxidative stress has long been recognized as one of the fundamental mechanisms in the onset of over 100 diseases and its associated inflammation is coined as the major factor for all chronic diseases. At the same time, however, it is an indispensable mechanism for life. Without oxidants and oxidative stress, our body would not be able to raise up the immune response and to recruit those oxidants to fight against, bacteria, diseases and signaling required biologic responses of regeneration. In addition it is also an internal self maintenance and re-organization tool to remove less fit molecules and regenerate new. At low level oxidative stress, cells won't grow or have incomplete growth while at high level oxidative stress, cells will have growth arrest or death. Therefore an extremely important aspect about oxidative stress is at the right time, the right place and the right amount. As such both oxidants and anti-oxidants can have positive and negative roles in this physiological process in spite of the fact they have distinctive designed roles as either a killer or protector under normal condition.
Because of such a delicate equilibrium relationship with oxidative stress, it is important to know exactly the balancing between pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant capacity at the same time. A good example is professional athletics, they are able to raise up oxidative stress at extremely high level so that the body can summit the exceptional high level of performance. However, the subsequent oxidative injury can create much greater damage including shortening their life span as discovered by scientists.
Because of such a delicate equilibrium relationship with oxidative stress, it is important to know exactly the balancing between pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant capacity at the same time. A good example is professional athletics, they are able to raise up oxidative stress at extremely high level so that the body can summit the exceptional high level of performance. However, the subsequent oxidative injury can create much greater damage including shortening their life span as discovered by scientists.
Airnergy - 100 years full of groundbreaking development to unlash the energy inside

In 1912 the renowned medical faculty at Heidelberg welcomed as a newly qualified lecturer a doctor and biochemist, who in 1931 received the Nobel Prize for his research into respiration, metabolism and photosynthesis. Exactly one century later (2012), Airnergy receives the Award of the Century for a technology that completes the circle of research by many different scientists into the subject of "oxygen therapy”.
The novelty of Airnergy technology comes from its unified principles which have combined photosynthesis, bio photons, bio magnetic, electromagnetic and biological oxidation. Airnergy deploys a patent protected meothd which is technologically adapted from photosynthesis, one of nature's processes which has existed for millions of years. This ensures that oxygen is activated in a way which human body understands and the resulting singlet oxygen give off energy just before returning into its ground state in a fraction of a millisecond. Thereafter the resulting energy was transferred and stored in water, the magic molecule that makes life possible on earth and within human body.
According to quantum biology, many biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations and are quantum mechanical in nature. Such processes involve chemical reactions, light absorption, formation of excited electronic states, transfer of excited energy, and the transfer of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical process such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The eventual quantum coherence achieved is the essence of how non-linear dynamics is maintained within the human body. Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Gvorgyi is one of the leading scientists who have published many papers on this field of research and states "Life is too rapid and subtle to be explained by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses".
In the end the energized water together with detoxified fresh air delivered simultaneously through nasal breathing, the essential technique to trigger a host of biochemical and biophysical self healing process including releasing the amazing signaling molecule Nitric Oxide. The inhaled energized water will release its stored energy as weak electromagnetic stimuli to orchestra a cascade of physiological activity in accordance to Arndt-Schultz Law and the non-linear dynamic theory of Nobel Laureate Dr. Prigogine.
Today Airnergy has been associated with various healthcare professionals from top health institutions, anti-aging clinics, dental offices and professional athletics including Olympic gold medal winners. Its holistic health benefits have been demonstrated in 163 symptoms in over 22 countries.
NOTE: Amongst other references, please reference NATURE's publication: "Physics of life: the dawn of quantum biology" for more information on quantum biology and coherence quantum through this link:
The novelty of Airnergy technology comes from its unified principles which have combined photosynthesis, bio photons, bio magnetic, electromagnetic and biological oxidation. Airnergy deploys a patent protected meothd which is technologically adapted from photosynthesis, one of nature's processes which has existed for millions of years. This ensures that oxygen is activated in a way which human body understands and the resulting singlet oxygen give off energy just before returning into its ground state in a fraction of a millisecond. Thereafter the resulting energy was transferred and stored in water, the magic molecule that makes life possible on earth and within human body.
According to quantum biology, many biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations and are quantum mechanical in nature. Such processes involve chemical reactions, light absorption, formation of excited electronic states, transfer of excited energy, and the transfer of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical process such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The eventual quantum coherence achieved is the essence of how non-linear dynamics is maintained within the human body. Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Gvorgyi is one of the leading scientists who have published many papers on this field of research and states "Life is too rapid and subtle to be explained by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses".
In the end the energized water together with detoxified fresh air delivered simultaneously through nasal breathing, the essential technique to trigger a host of biochemical and biophysical self healing process including releasing the amazing signaling molecule Nitric Oxide. The inhaled energized water will release its stored energy as weak electromagnetic stimuli to orchestra a cascade of physiological activity in accordance to Arndt-Schultz Law and the non-linear dynamic theory of Nobel Laureate Dr. Prigogine.
Today Airnergy has been associated with various healthcare professionals from top health institutions, anti-aging clinics, dental offices and professional athletics including Olympic gold medal winners. Its holistic health benefits have been demonstrated in 163 symptoms in over 22 countries.
NOTE: Amongst other references, please reference NATURE's publication: "Physics of life: the dawn of quantum biology" for more information on quantum biology and coherence quantum through this link: